9 Rules of Being an Adult at Work

Finding the best career fit for you is important to your success. Your interests will change over the years. You may gain experience along the way that may lead you…

tripwire.com: Entry-Level Career Advice for Aspiring Cybersecurity Professionals

tripwire.com: Entry-Level Career Advice for Aspiring Cybersecurity Professionals. https://www.tripwire.com/state-of-security/security-data-protection/entry-level-career-advice-aspiring-cybersecurity-professionals/

Wrestlers make the best Employees

Interesting article in Forbes.  Want to succeed in your Career?  Join the Wrestling Team!   🙂 http://www.forbes.com/sites/stevecooper/2012/07/31/why-wrestlers-make-the-best-employees/

25 Ways to Ruin Your Chances During a Job Interview

As many of you may know, prior to teaching, I interviewed, hires, reviewed, and (sometimes) fired people for two previous employers.  Many of the situations mentioned in this article have…

Career Builder Survey finds that employee swearing could cost them a promotion

One thing I try to stress about Careers is Professionalism.  This story confirms how employees’ use of language can affect how they advance in their careers.