This article is from Original Article can be found here. Is cyberwar coming? by Jonathan Strickland Browse the article Is cyberwar coming?
Author: bk
Microsoft IT Academy – MTA Certification
This school year (2013-2014), we are looking at Microsoft’s MTA Certification Exams as the primary option for Computer Science Seniors to use for their credentials to show off their CS…
Can you program a Website?
What does it take to learn to program?
Tech Project – 8th Period
Mr. Bynum and Mrs. Doty need some tech help. Our Project Task for the 9 weeks is to solve their problem and complete the work needed.
Game Maker Studio Tutorials
Link to Video Link to Video
Game Maker Tutorial – Introduction – Coding in GM
Game Maker Tutorial – Platform Game
Link to Video …
Bad Customer Service
Practicing good customer service goes a long way in helping you develop your inter-personal skills with potential customers, co-workers, and supervisors, and potential employers. Simply put, Practicing Good Customer…