11 Must-Do Security Steps Before Heading Out on Your Next Vacation – CNET

Your vacation is coming up, and you already have a hundred things to do. Good news — today’s smart devices and home security make it easier than ever to prep your home for a trip and check on it while you’re away. Video doorbells can watch for packages, home security cameras can send alerts about human figures, even smart lights can help out, all without relying on neighbors you may not know well.

Drone Racing – Are you looking for something new and different to do for extra-curricular activities?

Drone racing can benefit IT, Cyber, and many other careers.

Hackers Using OTP bots To Bypass Two-Factor Authentication

After acquiring victim credentials, the scammer sets up a call by selecting an impersonation category (bank, email service, etc.) and manually entering the specific organization name, victim’s name, and phone number. 

Checkmate: What Chess Taught Me About Cyber Resilience

However, beginners often make the mistake of using the queen to protect too many other pieces. They fail to maximize their other pieces’ potential by over-relying on a single resource. The same can be said for the workplace. When we over-leverage our strongest performers, it’s impossible to cultivate a well-balanced and coordinated team.

8 Best PuTTY Alternatives for SSH Client Connections

PuTTY is just like the translator that bridges the information gap. This software is a handy tool when it comes to establishing an SSH client connection path, which is eventually necessary for file transfers and system management.

The art of saying no is a powerful tool for the CISO in the era of AI | CSO Online

Sometimes, CISOs must say no to emerging tech, especially when the risks are not fully understood nor mitigants fully implemented, and that can be challenging at a time like this when AI adoption is skyrocketing.

Why AI won’t replace human intelligence in cybersecurity | TechRadar

As hackers create new and different ways to break through security systems, AI technology that is not up to date might not know how to react or miss a threat entirely.

The NSA advises you to turn your phone off and back on once a week – here’s why | ZDNET

That pricey and precious smartphone you carry with you can be hit by a host of security threats, from phishing to malware to spyware. All it takes is one successful attack to clobber your phone and compromise your data and even steal your identity. So, how do you protect yourself?

Baltic states join with Norway, Finland and Poland to build ‘drone wall’ against Russia | Fox News

The Baltic states announced plans alongside Norway, Finland and Poland to construct a “drone wall” along their shared borders with Russia on Sunday.