These might seem cryptic, but there are plenty of options for decoding this online.
Category: picoCTF
Cryptography – Easy1
The creators of PicoCTF would prefer that you create a script within the shell to convert, but you should be able to find several decoders online.
Cryptography – Numbers
This is the most simple code that kids learn. If you get stuck, look at the hint provided in PICOCTF
General Skills – Bases
You might get help from one of the decoding tools here…
General Skills – Resources
This is probably the easiest flag to find. I won’t even insult your intelligence by helping you with this one!
Web Exploitation – Robots
What do you know about the robots.txt files for Search Engine Optimization? Perhaps one of these links might help … or or Any of these might help.…
Web Exploitation – New and Improved Login
I find that when I need information, it is best to go to the source. Its there somewhere.
Web Exploitation – Factory Login
Some people think cookies are yummy. Others just prefer to edit them.
Web Exploitation 2
Solve this one by going to the source. The answer is in front of you. Don’t get caught chasing a McGuffin.