Category: Tech Resources
Zim: A Wiki-Like Note-taking App That Makes Things Easier
RedHat List of Common Communication Ports
Here is an extensive list of the most common communication ports.
History of Windows
Click here for a history of Microsoft Windows.
CodeAcademy – Javascript
Here is CodeAcademy’s tutorial on Javascript …
Good Info on creating Animated GIFs
PC Magazine just posted a good article on creating Animated GIF’s.
Text Editor for HTML / JDI Assignments – Sublime
Download this to get the Sublime Text Editor for the Mac.
Some Easy and Affordable Dual Monitor Tricks
Many people have asked about doing a dual monitor setup on their own computers. For the computers in the classroom with dual monitors, these computers have two distinct video cards…
Game Maker Studio Tutorials
Link to Video Link to Video
Game Maker Tutorial – Introduction – Coding in GM