Using AI to decode dog vocalizations

University of Michigan researchers are exploring the possibilities of AI, developing tools that can identify whether a dog’s bark conveys playfulness or aggression.

How I got started: AI security researcher

Applied AI researchers typically gain expertise and experience working with particular kinds of datasets characteristic to the domains they work in.

Sword Health announces Phoenix conversational AI

Patients can talk directly to Phoenix about how they are feeling, and the new “specialist” can respond, offer feedback and adjust the difficulty and duration of the session in real time. 

Why AI won’t replace human intelligence in cybersecurity | TechRadar

As hackers create new and different ways to break through security systems, AI technology that is not up to date might not know how to react or miss a threat entirely.

Does AI Need a Kill Switch?

As industry dependence on AI grows, do we need Kill Switches for the AI? Read More at Cnet.

The first laws concerning AI are starting to appear in Europe.

the EU is working on the first major law dealing with Artificial Intelligence. As AI becomes more prevalent in daily use, more laws will be on the horizon. Read more…

Can AI Tools Help you with Job Interviews?

Here is an insightful article on using various AI Tools to help you prepare for Job Interviews.