FBI puts a $5 million bounty on the missing Cryptoqueen—’We will probably know within a few weeks if it’s worked’ | PC Gamer

OneCoin was one of those schemes where people earn commissions for getting others to become “investors” and convincing them to encourage family members and friends to do the same—a pretty straightforward pyramid scheme, in other words— and the money lost to the scam is estimated at $4.5 billion. 

New Warmcookie Windows backdoor pushed via fake job offers

Warmcookie is capable of extensive machine fingerprinting, screenshot capturing, and the deployment of additional payloads.

Russia Aims Cyber Operations at Summer Olympics

Two Russian state-aligned threat actors have been carrying out online influence operations designed to undermine the upcoming Olympic Games in Paris.

Multibillion Dollar Botnet Scam Traced Back to a Single Person

The illicit scheme was massively successful. According to the DOJ, 911 S5 raked in an eye-watering $99 million since its inception in 2014. Wan spent much of that income on luxury properties, cars, watches, and more.

Cybercriminals pose as “helpful” Stack Overflow users to push malware

This approach serves as a reminder of the constantly changing tactics of cybercriminals and, unfortunately, illustrates why you can never blindly trust what someone shares online.

Phishing statistics that will make you think twice before clicking – Help Net Security

This article includes excerpts from various reports that offer statistics and insights into the current phishing landscape.

YouTube Becomes Latest Battlefront for Phishing, Deepfakes

YouTube has turned into a new front for malicious actors to deploy phishing, other malware, and bogus investment schemes, according to a report from researchers at security vendor Avast.

FBI Public Servi e Announcement

Alert Number: I-051624-PSA

May 16, 2024

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Leverages U.S.-Based Individuals to Defraud U.S. Businesses and Generate Revenue