Voyager 1 Is Back! NASA Spacecraft Safely Resumes All Science Observations | Scientific American

After more than six months of long-distance troubleshooting—Voyager 1 is more than 15 billion miles from Earth, and any signal takes more than 22.5 hours to travel from our planet to the spacecraft—mission personnel have finally coaxed Voyager 1 to gather and send home data with all its remaining science instruments, according to a NASA statement.

A ‘new star’ could appear in the sky any night now. Here’s how to see the Blaze Star ignite. | Live Science

A dim star in the night sky 3,000 light-years from our solar system could soon become visible to the naked eye for the first time since 1946 — and you can easily find it in the night sky.

‘God of Destruction’ asteroid Apophis will come to Earth in 2029 — it could meet some tiny satellites | Space