We will be using the BBC Microbits again this year to cover programming concepts. Here are a few ideas for projects you can try with the Microbits. https://microbit.org/news/2024-05-31/5-areas-where-digital-skills-thrive-outdoors/
Tag: #python
5 subject areas where micro:bits enhance outdoor learning | micro:bit
The micro:bit is designed to be unplugged from a screen and used wherever children are learning, in any type of environment, including the great outdoors.
Embedded Python: Build a Game on the BBC micro:bit – Real Python
Hands-On: Kali Linux on the Raspberry Pi 4
Cyber Security: Protecting Your Data in a Dangerous Situation
Once upon a time, a student left their laptop unattended and put themself in a dangerous situation. When the student returned to her laptop, she noticed that it appeared that…