Many people have asked about doing a dual monitor setup on their own computers. For the computers in the classroom with dual monitors, these computers have two distinct video cards…
Year: 2013
Mac Malware Could Begin to Become More Prevalent
Much to the dismay of Apple Salespeople and Other Pro-Mac Extremists, the Mac O/S can be infected with Viruses, Trojans, and other types of Malware. Mac O/S based systems have…
Get a $20 Computer the Size of a Quarter
The Microduino is due out in November. It is based off the Arduino board/computer. It will be interesting to see how this device does and what interesting programs arise for…
How to Graduate from College with a Job
This message is for my former students who have entered just entered the college ranks. Even though you have just started your post-secondary academic career and you are probably still…
Is Cyberwar Coming?
This article is from Original Article can be found here. Is cyberwar coming? by Jonathan Strickland Browse the article Is cyberwar coming?
Microsoft IT Academy – MTA Certification
This school year (2013-2014), we are looking at Microsoft’s MTA Certification Exams as the primary option for Computer Science Seniors to use for their credentials to show off their CS…
Tech Project – 8th Period
Mr. Bynum and Mrs. Doty need some tech help. Our Project Task for the 9 weeks is to solve their problem and complete the work needed.